Materials of the conference "Libraries in the information society ..."

Materials of the International Scientific Conference "Libraries in the information society: the preservation of traditions and the development of new technologies"

Materials of the conference, held in December 2014, the Belarusian Agricultural Library

In the conference was attended by leaders and experts of academic research institutions, universities, major research and academic libraries from Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and Moldova.

The conference covered issues of information support of science and education; corporate interaction between libraries with scientific organizations and information centers for the creation and use of information resources; research work in the field of library and information; the organization of the libraries of various types and forms on their activities; a number of practical issues of library activities.

The collection of reports:

"Libraries in the information society: the preservation of traditions and the development of new technologies", international scientific conference (2014, Minsk).
Libraries in the information society: the preservation of traditions and the development of new technology [Text]: reports of the international scientific conference, Minsk, 3-4 December 2014 / Public institution. "Belarus Agricultural Library IS Lupinovich" of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; Ed. Vladimir Yurchenko [et al.]; rec .: RB Grigyanets, SV Zygmantovich. - Minsk: The Ark, 2014. - 229 p. Count, Figure, Table, ph.... - Bibliography. at the end of Dep. Art. - Alf. Decree .: p. 226-229. - ISBN 978-985-7121-12-0: B. p.
